madonctl account notifications

Manage notifications


Manage notifications

This commands let you list, display and dismiss notifications.

Please note that --notifications-types filters the notifications locally, while --exclude-types is supported by the API and should be more efficient.

madonctl account notifications [flags]


  madonctl accounts notifications --list
  madonctl accounts notifications --list --clear
  madonctl accounts notifications --dismiss --notification-id N
  madonctl accounts notifications --notification-id N
  madonctl accounts notifications --list --exclude-types mention,reblog
  madonctl accounts notifications --list --notification-types mentions
  madonctl accounts notifications --list --notification-types favourites
  madonctl accounts notifications --list --notification-types follows,reblogs


      --clear                       Clear all current notifications
      --dismiss                     Delete a notification
      --exclude-types string        Exclude notifications types (mention, favourite, reblog, follow)
  -h, --help                        help for notifications
      --list                        List all current notifications
      --notification-id int         Get a notification
      --notification-types string   Filter notifications (mention, favourite, reblog, follow)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --account-id int         Account ID number
      --all                    Fetch all results
      --color string           Color mode (auto|on|off; for output=template)
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.config/madonctl/madonctl.yaml)
  -i, --instance string        Mastodon instance
  -k, --keep uint              Limit number of results
  -l, --limit uint             Limit number of API results
  -L, --login string           Instance user login
      --max-id int             Request IDs less (or equal) than a value
  -o, --output string          Output format (plain|json|yaml|template|theme)
  -P, --password string        Instance user password
      --since-id int           Request IDs greater than a value
      --template string        Go template (for output=template)
      --template-file string   Go template file (for output=template)
      --theme string           Theme name (for output=theme)
  -t, --token string           User token
  -u, --user-id string         Account user ID
  -v, --verbose                Verbose mode


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 21-Mar-2018