
A CLI utility for the betaseries website


bscli is a CLI tool using the Betaseries web API.

You can use a configuration file to store common options. For example, create $HOME/.config/bscli/bscli.yaml with the following contents:

login: "USERNAME"
password: "USERPASSWORD"

#output: plain
#verbose: true
#apiKey: YourDeveloperAPIkey

(Configuration files in JSON are also accepted.)

If you want shell auto-completion (for bash or zsh), you can generate the completion scripts with "bscli completion $SHELL". For example if you use bash:

bscli completion bash > _bash_bscli
source _bash_bscli

Now you should have tab completion for subcommands and flags.

Note: Most examples assume the user's credentials are set in the configuration file.


  bscli shows search dexter
  bscli --login USERNAME --password PASS friends
  bscli members infos
  bscli friends list
  bscli show search game of thrones
  bscli episodes --show-id 1161 search S03E10
  bscli subtitles episode --episode-id 281038 --language vf -o yaml
  bscli episodes list -o json
  bscli episodes list --limit 3 \
        --template '{{.title}}{{range .unseen}} {{.code}}{{end}}...{{"\n"}}'
  bscli episodes watched --episode-id ID --note N
  bscli shows random --summary --limit 2
  bscli episodes scraper The.Big.Bang.Theory.S01E10.mp4  --subtitles
  bscli subtitles episode --episode-id 799274 --language vf


      --api-key string         BetaSeries API key
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.config/bscli/bscli.yaml)
      --login string           BetaSeries login
  -o, --output string          Output format (plain|json|yaml|template) (default "plain")
      --password string        BetaSeries password
      --template string        Go template (for output=template)
      --template-file string   Go template file (for output=template)
  -v, --verbose                Verbose mode


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 9-Apr-2017